Thursday, April 8, 2010

Thin vs. Living Democracy

Frances Moore Lappe's description of a 'Thin Democracy' reminded me of Alexis de Tocqueville's warnings in his 1835 book, Democracy in America, that democracy, when not vigilantly attended to can turn into 'soft despotism.' Furthermore, that conformity to the majority and complacency among its citizens can lead to the downfall of a democracy. How incredible, that hundreds of years later, we're still writing about the same problems in America! What I found most interesting about these worries is that they could easily be found in literature from the fringes of either political party-- ironically, those most opposed to each other are essentially afraid of the same thing.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Unemployment is an Adaptable Challenge

My brother is making a documentary on unemployment among college grads/students and here's my interview. I hope it's enjoyable and not thoroughly depressing, but according to my brother's report of his class as they watched the interview, everyone was incredibly depressed and miserable afterwards. I've spent so much time in class (and out of it) talking about and analyzing the effects of unemployment that I think I'm not going to say much here about how it relates to leadership, I'm just going to let the interview stand on its own. Enjoy?